Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Part II
continued from this morning’s post

Yes, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I do hope yours has been, too.

We were a very small family this year, but we used Great Grandma's silver and china and lace tablecloth and felt very lucky and happy.

The car is—so far, at least—undamaged.

The pie was good.  Exceptionally rich and creamy and very tasty.

The new batch of rolls was just right.

The cauliflower survived today’s mishap.  Oh, right, you haven’t heard that one.  Because of dietary restrictions, we have mashed cauliflower rather than potatoes.  I cooked the cauliflower carefully, drained it, mashed it, added just a touch of butter since it’s a holiday dinner, and sprinkled the merest touch of salt and pepper over it.  No problem, right?  Wrong. Problem.  The top of the pepper container fell off.  Fell Off!  Aargh!  Depositing several tablespoons of pepper over the cauliflower.

But today was a good day, and I carefully scooped the pepper off.  We had less cauliflower than planned, but it tasted good.

And the company was wonderful.  We sat around a beautiful fire—limited to the fireplace, fortunately—and enjoyed being together.

So Happy Thanksgiving indeed.

Happy Thanksgiving?

Part I

Yesterday I went out to do last minute errands before starting to cook. After the last stop—as far away from home as possible, of course—I got in my car, sighed with relief that I could now go home, and turned the key.


An hour later, I was squashed into a tow truck with two very nice tow truckers on the way to the auto mechanic.

The auto shop came through beautifully.  They’ve been doctoring my aged Miata for quite a few years—I believe they actually stock parts just for my car!  So I went home, and in a couple of hours, all was fixed.

So now I could start the pumpkin pie?


The non-starting was fixed, but the alarm system didn’t work.


It can wait until Monday.

Pumpkin pie.  Yes!

Pumpkin pie is in the oven.  I’m putting away ingredients.  And it hits me: I made the pie with whipping cream instead of half-and-half. Oh, double *xl//zgrn.

Moving on, it was time to make the rolls, the time-honored holiday rolls made from Grandma’s recipe.  I’ve made them hundreds of times. What could go wrong?
Leaving them in the oven too long, that’s what.

So here it is, Thanksgiving morning. Has the car been trashed or stolen?  Is the pie edible?  Is the turkey thawed? Is there time to make more rolls?

To be continued...