How Do You Read?

When readers answer, they say things like entertainment, escape,
knowledge, experiencing something new.
When the arbitrators of our lives answer, they have much more esoteric
reasons—improving memory, improving verbal ability, reducing stress, etc. I’m going with the readers on this one.
how do you read? Do you approach a book as a reader or as a
writer? Yes, there’s a difference. When I began to write novels, my experience
as a reader changed dramatically.
What happens when you
pick up a book?

do you approach it hopefully but with a Show Me attitude? Does that Show Me attitude get in the
way? Why did the writer do that? What is the reader supposed to think
now? Is that a red herring? Is that character going to die at the
end? Etc. etc.
truth is, you sometimes do it one way, sometimes the other.
way is right, neither way is wrong. Do
you get more out of a book if you dissect it as you go? Well, that depends on what you want, doesn’t
it? If you’re a writer, you’re always,
on some level, looking for hints about how to do it better. And believe me, it’s annoying to want nothing
more than an hour of escape and then end up thinking how to do it better.

The downside of
critical reading? It can get in the way
of the story. The upside of critical
reading? You may see more levels of meaning in the writing. Example?
Sure. My poetry-reading
sister-in-law once read me a poem and explained the subtext of the
wording. Who knew that ‘daisy’ comes
from ‘day’s eye’ and, knowing that, she understood much more of the poet’s
intent. (Okay, you knew about the whole
daisy-day’s eye thing. I didn’t.)
does it matter? No. Just enjoy.
As my license plate frame says:
Read Books!
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