Pick one--or both. I'll be at the December 9 signing and hope to see you .
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
A Boxed Set Surprise!
Imagine my surprise when I got an email from the publisher saying that Loving Luke is now available as part of a boxed set. Imagine...six cowboy novels for $2.99! It will be available through December on Amazon and at The Wild Rose Press.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Well, finally, there’s some news! Mostly I’m spending my life hunched over the
keyboard. Writing new books, of course.
In the last month, all that hunching has been devoted to
reissuing three older books. (And you
cannot believe the amount of time and effort that takes, even when the book
itself is not changed.) However...
The new version of Calendar Girl is Western Heroes: Burn
The new version of Stalking Bel is Western Heroes: Quincey
The new version of Reckless Promise is Western Heroes: Mac
The new covers, which I think are just gorgeous, are
If you haven’t tried any of them yet, they’re available
at most on-line vendors, and most offer a free peek inside.
In other writer's lives, check out Jennifer Skully's hotness, and Shelley Adina's newest (and alas, the final one in the series (maybe), but don't worry, there's a spinoff series coming).
After that overly complex sentence, it's time to get back to work on Western Heroes: Grey. It was
coming along nicely until the heroine got lost in a gold mine. I’d better go get her out.
Have a happy month.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
How Do You Read?

When readers answer, they say things like entertainment, escape,
knowledge, experiencing something new.
When the arbitrators of our lives answer, they have much more esoteric
reasons—improving memory, improving verbal ability, reducing stress, etc. I’m going with the readers on this one.
how do you read? Do you approach a book as a reader or as a
writer? Yes, there’s a difference. When I began to write novels, my experience
as a reader changed dramatically.
What happens when you
pick up a book?

do you approach it hopefully but with a Show Me attitude? Does that Show Me attitude get in the
way? Why did the writer do that? What is the reader supposed to think
now? Is that a red herring? Is that character going to die at the
end? Etc. etc.
truth is, you sometimes do it one way, sometimes the other.
way is right, neither way is wrong. Do
you get more out of a book if you dissect it as you go? Well, that depends on what you want, doesn’t
it? If you’re a writer, you’re always,
on some level, looking for hints about how to do it better. And believe me, it’s annoying to want nothing
more than an hour of escape and then end up thinking how to do it better.

The downside of
critical reading? It can get in the way
of the story. The upside of critical
reading? You may see more levels of meaning in the writing. Example?
Sure. My poetry-reading
sister-in-law once read me a poem and explained the subtext of the
wording. Who knew that ‘daisy’ comes
from ‘day’s eye’ and, knowing that, she understood much more of the poet’s
intent. (Okay, you knew about the whole
daisy-day’s eye thing. I didn’t.)
does it matter? No. Just enjoy.
As my license plate frame says:
Read Books!
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Five Ways Writers Are Not Like Real People
writers real people? Yes. No. Maybe. Sometimes.
1. Writers like to be alone. No.
Writers have to be alone
sometimes. The muse is often shy, and
she doesn’t come out to play when there are too many distractions. Other people may turn off the phone and
ignore the doorbell, but I’ll bet writers do it more often and with less guilt.
2. Writers often forget where they are and what
they’re doing and with whom they are doing it because the story has
commandeered their brains. Does the term
‘space cadet’ describe their behaviour?
3. Writers have long conversations with people
who aren’t real. And oh, man, this is
truly one of the perks of writing. (And
of insanity, but of course we writers are not insane.) The first time one of my characters spoke
back, I ran screaming to my dh--“He talked to me, he talked to me.” (DH was
underwhelmed.) What the character said
was, “Get real, babe. I wouldn’t do that.”
Then he walked off the page and there was
much work involved in getting him back. And
in changing the story to one in which he agreed to participate.
4. Writers are totally portable. All it takes is paper and pen. Or computer and the ability to recharge. As
long as they can record those random thoughts that might lead to a best-seller. This is a real plus if the writer’s
significant other likes to take spur-of-the-moment trips. Or go camping. Just grab the writing implements and go. The downside is that the writer is apt to
dive into the story and not emerge until bears are pillaging the campsite or
white water has tossed the boat over a waterfall.
5. Writers may not get dressed for days and days
and days. Or weeks. Stumbling from the breakfast dishes (piled in
the sink, of course) to the computer and starting work while still wearing pjs
is one of the big perks of the profession.
And, bonus point
here: Writers are sure getting the book
done on time is worth any number and size of dust bunnies.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Over the Coffee Cup
Morning Musings Over
This and That
James Frey wrote a book
titled Telling Lies for Fun and
Profit. [It’s about writing, of
course.] It’s a very good book, but
right now I’m interested in the implication rather than the content. [Not to mention I’m a little uneasy with the
idea that I spend my days crafting untruths!]
So, to get to the implication here: do you think fiction equals lies? Or do you think fiction reveals truth in
indirect ways?
I’d like to believe the latter. Contrary to what many non-writers believe,
characters are not malleable puppets.
Still, as the writer, you can put characters in situations that reveal
many of their secrets. Of course, the
character can always refuse to cooperate if asked to do something that doesn’t
fit. The shock I experienced the first
time one stood up, glared at me, said “I wouldn’t do that,” and walked off the
page is unforgettable. [That was Logan,
whom you’ve never met; we’re still arguing about a few things. He’ll make it to print or screen one of these
years. Maybe.]
The point is this: I
tried to force Logan to do something that violated his inner truth. That was bad.
Once a character has been created, his or her [yes, we need a new
pronoun] actions must be consistent with that character’s persona.
So my promise to you is this: I will always listen to my characters.
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